Wednesday, April 13, 2016

New Understanding of God

It's been more than a year since I published on this blog, I'm sorry if I let you down by going AWOL. God has been teaching me a lot, and I had to focus and learn.

The last time I wrote in this blog, I was in my first job after university and national service. I had no idea that the next month I'd move to a new country, start a new job in another industry, and begin an almost brand new life.

I thank God for being kind to me. Though my walk with Him has been inconsistent, His love has been steady as a rock.

I am at a point in my life when I'm very certain of my faith – I love and worship God Almighty, I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I have the Holy Spirit living in my heart. Over the past two years, God has answered almost all the questions I had growing up. He's taught me what's truly important and what's not. He's helped me become a self-assured woman, and I'm more than grateful.

Loving Christ brings with it an understanding of self. An understanding that can't be found any other way. Loving Christ teaches you to be okay with who you are. If you're someone who doesn't like to talk much (like me), you learn that that's okay.

Loving Christ gives you peace. You learn that you don't have to be anything other than who you are. You never have to pretend. You never have to try so hard. You're at peace, knowing that as you are, God loves and is pleased with you.

Loving Christ means that you enjoy being in His presence, and you actually stay in it. This has been one of the biggest lessons and changes for me (one I'm still undergoing), because I used to rush through prayers, rush through the Bible, and daydream through church services. But God doesn't care about the rituals we perform. It's never about your outward actions, or going through the motions. It's about your state of mind and what you think inside you – of God, yourself and your fellow humans.

I got an even better understanding of the Grace, which we say so often:

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, 
and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit 
rest and abide with us, now and forever more. Amen.

The fellowship of the Holy Spirit... It's funny how we often pray for things we don't fully know about. The fellowship of the Holy Spirit means the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We should be in God's presence all through our days, now and forever more.

Loving Christ teaches you that God is not an idol to be kept aside and worshipped on special days. God should be a part of everyday life, every aspect of our lives. We should be thinking about God every second of the day. We should fellowship with the Holy Spirit throughout the day. God doesn;t have to be separate from the life we live.

I have a lot to share about Christ. I'm growing in Him everyday and often when I read my Bible, I'm moved to write things down. I intend to share them on this blog with everyone who cares about God. Whether you're in a good place with Him, or you're trying to get answers, or build a relationship, I hope that my daily musings help you understand Him more.

Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. I hope you do get to write and share as you learn.

    Paul's prayer in 2 Corinthians 13:14 is very instructive.

    The love of God is what makes Christ's grace available to us, along with all God's resources.
    The grace of our Lord Jesus is that supernatural ability he had to lay down his life, for the will of the father. And that grace only comes to make us like Christ - we ought to lay down our lives too that God may have his way through us.
    But most crucially, the fellowship of the Holy Ghost is what transfers that grace and love to us as we require it daily. It is that fellowship that we must maintain everyday, as you have well pointed out.
